Camp Maud
Isbell Berger

Winchester Center,
Connecticut 06094

Owned & Operated By The Connecticut State Grange
The Camp Berger Program …

Camp Berger offers five one-week sessions. Each week is based on a theme created and organized by the counselors. Some of the favorite weeks include: Olympic Week, Super Hero Week, Shipwrecked Week and many more.

Campers are given the opportunity to sample a large variety of programs or to concentrate on programs of special interest.

The daily program consists of four main program periods that allow campers to participate and receive instruction in such areas as:

  • sailing
  • canoeing
  • fishing
  • rowing
  • archery
  • funyacking
  • sports
  • rocketry
  • arts and crafts
  • dramatics
  • swimming
  • nature
  • and more

Special event programs offered throughout the summer include:

  • dancing
  • music
  • campcraft
  • and more

The program is designed to give campers a chance to select and participate in programs of their choice away from the pressures of highly organized and strictly scheduled activities.

A balanced program is offered with both individual and group participation.

 © 2010 The Connecticut State Grange