Camp Maud
Isbell Berger

Winchester Center,
Connecticut 06094

Owned & Operated By The Connecticut State Grange
Registration Information / Terms of Acceptance …


1. WEEKLY FEE: $350.00 (Overnight Camp); $175.00 (Day Camp for Children in the Winsted/Torrington area); COUNSELOR IN TRAINING (CIT) for 2 weeks $700.00 – each payable in full two weeks before the start of the camp period. A late fee of $25.00 will be charged for late payments.

Any period not paid for two weeks in advance will be considered cancelled. Campers who arrive at Camp Berger who have not paid the full period’s fee will only be accepted after 3:00 P.M. Sunday if openings are available.

2. It should be understood that minor illness, homesickness, or change of parent’s plans are not considered sufficient grounds for refund of Camp fee.

3. Any request or adjustments must be made within 30 days after the child leaves camp. Any problems arising during the camping season should be reported immediately to the Camp Director or the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Do not wait until the end of the camping week.

4. The Camp will not assume liability for loss or damage of the property of campers. Particularly valuable watches, cameras, fishing gear, hand held computer games, cell phones, etc. should not be brought to camp! Anyone who defaces or causes destruction to Camp property will be expected to pay for such damages.

5. Smoking, and the use of alcohol or drugs, are prohibited and considered cause for dismissal of a camper.

6. Campers whose behavior seriously interferes with a positive camp experience for other campers may be subject to dismissal.

7. I give permission for pictures of my child to be used in camp brochures, slide shows, TV and/or newspaper publicity.

8. CABIN ASSIGNMENTS will be based solely on age and the judgment of the Camp Staff as to the best cabin groups for each period. Because of capacity enrollment, we are no longer able to accept special requests for cabin placement. Please do not ask for changes in cabin assignments. Thank you for your cooperation.

9. If applying for Care4Kids, information must be turned in two weeks prior to desired camping season.

CLICK HERE to proceed to the Registration Forms

 © 2010 The Connecticut State Grange